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Welcome to Tender Pharos website




In Pursuit Of Excellence

"We believe that man has the right to pursue happiness. And Happiness can be attained through continuous development and persistent strive for excellence."

(Pharos Indonesia)

Pharos Indonesia LTD is a leading pharmaceutical company in Indonesia established in 30 September 1971. Started production in September 1974. Received CPOB (Indonesian GMP) on June 30th, 1990 - the first company to receive such certificate in Indonesia.

Vision And Mission

To Become Indonesia's fastest growing pharmaceutical company in Indonesia and be the first or second choice partner in providing solution for its customer.


  1. Strengthening product portfolio in every focused specialist.
  2. Innovating product as well as design and also continuous improvement.
  3. Providing high quality products at low cost.
  4. Providing excellent service to all specialist in Indonesia (in relation to ethical product) and to all community (in relation to non-ethical product).
  5. Developing strong and positive culture in human resources based on competencies.